Shindong : The next one is Key-ssi. Please guess Taemin's choice. Q : "The person Taemin is most afraid in SHINee is?"
Jonghyun : Ah this is hard.. This is not easy.
Key : Answer - Key.
Jonghyun : Do you want to change?
Shindong : I give you a chance to change.
Key : I will not change.
Jonghyun : Will not change?
Shindong : I will give you another chance! So it's still Key. So Minho, is this the correct answer? (Minho is the one that hits the xylophone) *deng!* - WRONG! The right answer is "Minho-ssi!"
Everyone : Ahhhh..
Shindong : Ah Key, why (did you pick yourself)? Ah Taemin, why (did you pick Minho)?
Key : Ah ! Ah! Ah! I got it! I know why!
Shindong : Why? What is the reason?
Taemin : Well actually, all the member hyungs are really good, they are not those who are difficult to approach. I feel that Minho-hyung treats us really well usually but he always reprimands us - so that was the closest answer to the question.
Jonghyun : Ah that's right, a charismatic man.
Shindong : Ah..that's right.. charismatic.