[130228] SHINee (Minho focus) at Yeoui-do Fansign
#1 - A fan showed to Taemin a post-it on which she wrote she’d buy 50 CDs, n he said she doesn’t have to n buy delicious food
#2 - The fan insisted she already saved money n bought 17 CDs, n taemin said, stop there now, n smiled <3
#3 - A fan asked onew to say any part from songs that comes to his mind, n he was silent while signing, then with eye contact, said “beautiful?”
#4 - A fan majoring in filming praised minho’s skill, n he said, really?, embarrassed; she asked, did he learn it by himself, n he said yes
#5 - A fan told Minho she got all Minho photo cards from CDs she bought n showed them, n Minho said, we must be destined (for each other). The same fan asked taem what he cooked recently, n he said, uh…i don’t remember, maybe 3-min (cooked instant) food?
#6 - A fan wrote on post-it onew’s tomato hair was cute but current hair’s also good, onew smiled n said he’d try a tropic fruit style next time
#7 - A fan told onew his Girls Girls Girls lyric part abt piano was funny n wants 2 hear him playing piano, n onew said, i want 2 play 4 u too
#8 - A fan told jjong she can’t live cuz of him, n he said, me too, she asked, what?, n he said again, i can’t live cuz of u too
Translation by: juju_home
#1 - A Fan told Onew that she is leaving to Germany soon. Onew asked her, how long will she be there?; Fan answered: I am going there for further studies. Onew told her: ‘You will go for very long, please don’t go.’ She bought some bread and snack for Onew, and he told her that he will have the bread later when he goes for the Radio schedules.
#2 - Fan told Key that she has watched CMIYC musical at least 8 times. key answered: ‘Ah, really? Went so many times, it has been hard of you, thank you TTTT
Credit: Dreamcherish
Credit to the owners
[130227] SHINee updates Me2day
[SHINee] 유희열선배님과 함께한 스케치북녹화. 많이 응원해 주셔서 기분 좋은 시간이었습니다. 계속해서 ‘Dream Girl’ 열심히 활동하는 SHINee 되겠습니다~^^Source: dinarizkya.tumblr.com
Together with Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sunbae recorded Sketch Book everyone gave alot of support we have spent a happy day, SHINee will continue to work hard for ‘Dream Girl’ Event.
[130226] SHINee appears in Yoo Hee Sketchbook
Group SHINee recently took pictures with singer Yoo Hee Yeol.
On February 27, SHINee posted pictures on their official me2day account with the comment, “We recorded Sketchbook with Yoo Hee Yeol. Thanks to your support, we had a great time. We will keep doing our best to perform “Dream Girl.”"
On February 26, SHINee gave Yoo their new EP. In the picture, SHINee
members look bright but Yoo looked nervous and it made people laugh.
The episode, in which SHINee appears, of Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook will air on March 8.
Credit: Beautiful Days; Source: en.korea.com
[130225] Minho reveals their plans for 2013
Minho shares his thoughts about SHINee‘s comeback.
At the backstage of KBS‘s Music Bank, Minho opened up his feelings about their return, he said, “I think we came back with a bit of nervousness due to the pressure to excel. Although ['Dream Girl']
is good, it is more spectacular when you see it with the performance. I
think more people will like it after seeing us perform. Rather than
trying to go above people’s expectations, we are trying to show a new
style of performance.”
Minho also shared their plans for 2013. He revealed, “We plan to
conduct many activities in Korea this year. I personally want to do a
lot of it. We plan to perform in Korea until people get tired of us and
say ‘why don’t you start performing overseas?”
When asked about the rookie groups/singers, he said, “Upon seeing
more and more rookie singers, I think to myself ‘I should work harder
and show a better side’ so that we can hear that we’re good seniors and
we want to be good role models.”
Meanwhile, SHINee currently busy after having their comeback with their latest song, “Dream Girl”.
Source: officiallykmusic.com
[130225] SHINee's Thanks To and Photocard Messages in Dream Girl Album
Thanks To
This album was made together with many staff members.
Of course our fans’ support is the base^^ Thank you very very much. We will keep racing forward^^
To all of those who know me, thank you very much and I love you.
JONGHYUNThis album was made together with many staff members.
Of course our fans’ support is the base^^ Thank you very very much. We will keep racing forward^^
To all of those who know me, thank you very much and I love you.
I hope that those who listen to our music will be able to find deeper emotion through this album..
Be happy, be angry, be sad, enjoy, love, hate, hope.. Let’s show our extravagance! Emotional extravagance!
I hope this album will be the best item of extravagance to the people who know us,
and also to all the people who will come to know us in the future. Thank you.
Our 3rd album has been released.
I am studying day by day. I will become a person who is not arrogant but is always looking back.
I will always be prepared and live a hardworking life in order to not disappoint those who like us. I love you.
6 years have passed since I was born as Minho in a group called SHINee…
Looking back at it now, the time could be seen as both short or very long.
Walking a difficult path while laughing, crying, being sad, and being happy with the members
have been the happiest days in the world. Now, we will be walking a new road once again.
On the stage that’s filled with many people’s cheers… Until the day we always shine…
Because our movie is still progressing^^ We’ll keep going on together, right?
I sincerely thank the many SM staff members who helped to release this album.
I wish I could tell each and every person… I feel so sorryㅠㅠ
And to our members who are always beside me, thanks so much and I truly love you~
Lastly^^ Mom, dad, and hyung, thank you so much for always staying with me and for being my strength.
I’m so happy to be mom and dad’s son. Thank you~
I will continue to be a humble Minho who always works hard and improves.
Thank you for always loving us.
Photocard Messages
It will be a better year than you think!
JONGHYUNIt will be a better year than you think!
Buy two more copies~!
Let’s make even more awesome memories~! You are all our Dream Girl.
-No message-
Source: shineeperudotcom.wordpress.com
[130224] Kwanghee tweet on Minho
Alright! Minho I must acknowledge the superiority of your face keke I also had my own to face! …☞☜ keke Anyway Dream Girl! Fighting!
Source: en.korea.com
[130223] Jonghyun wants revenge on Minho?

Why does Jonghyun want revenge on Minho?
Well, we can think of a number of reasons off the bat, such as the
photoshopping contest of Jonghyun’s pictures held by Minho. But, it
turns out he has another reason these days!
On the 22nd, the SHINee boys were guests on the radio show ‘Boom’s Young Street‘. Since the boys have choreography involving a heavy mic stand for “Dream Girl“, Boom asked them, “Don’t you have accidents while you’re doing choreography? Tell us a funny thing that happened.”
Jonghyun replied, “The hardest part is that the standing mic itself is heavy, so the members crash into each other often. We don’t get hurt badly, but when we do, we feel like we have to get revenge.” Jonghyun picked Minho specially as the member he wanted to get revenge on. He said, “I feel like Minho keeps restraining me with his mic stand. When we start the song, Minho is in front of me, but Minho’s mic keeps coming close to my face, so I get scared. Every time that happens, I see Minho’s butt. I want to get revenge.”
Boom laughed and said, “I will look forward to a video that shows Jonghyun avoiding Minho’s mic and getting revenge.”
Considering how masterfully the SHINee members handle themselves on
stage, the revenge might happen without anyone noticing, so keep your
eyes wide open during their upcoming performances!On the 22nd, the SHINee boys were guests on the radio show ‘Boom’s Young Street‘. Since the boys have choreography involving a heavy mic stand for “Dream Girl“, Boom asked them, “Don’t you have accidents while you’re doing choreography? Tell us a funny thing that happened.”
Jonghyun replied, “The hardest part is that the standing mic itself is heavy, so the members crash into each other often. We don’t get hurt badly, but when we do, we feel like we have to get revenge.” Jonghyun picked Minho specially as the member he wanted to get revenge on. He said, “I feel like Minho keeps restraining me with his mic stand. When we start the song, Minho is in front of me, but Minho’s mic keeps coming close to my face, so I get scared. Every time that happens, I see Minho’s butt. I want to get revenge.”
Boom laughed and said, “I will look forward to a video that shows Jonghyun avoiding Minho’s mic and getting revenge.”
Source: shineeperudotcom.wordpress.com
[130223] SHINee wants to be good role models for rookie artists said by Minho
Backstage at KBS 2TV‘s ‘Music Bank‘ on the 22nd, SHINee‘s Minho opened up about his group’s latest comeback.
Minho shared, “I think we came back with a bit of nervousness due to the pressure to excel. Although ['Dream Girl']
is good, it is more spectacular when you see it with the performance. I
think more people will like it after seeing us perform. Rather than
trying to go above people’s expectations, we are trying to show a new
style of performance.”
To make up for SHINee’s 11-month hiatus, Minho shared his plans to be
active in Korea until fans eventually get sick of him (if that’s ever
possible) and revealed, “We plan to conduct many activities in Korea
this year. I personally want to do a lot of it. We plan to perform in
Korea until people get tired of us and say ‘why don’t you start
performing overseas?”
Minho also wants to be a role model for rookie singers stating, “Upon
seeing more and more rookie singers, I think to myself ‘I should work
harder and show a better side’ so that we can hear that we’re good
seniors and we want to be good role models.” It seems SHINee have already accomplished their goal of becoming good examples by recently proving why they’re masters on stage.
[130221] Jeon Hyunmoo's tweet on SHINee
[130220] Minseok (Minho's Older Brother tweet on SHINee Comeback
[130219] Kyuhyun mentioned Minho in twitter
Translation: Changmin Birthday. That Suju , MinDalf, SM Athlete, Beatburger, Collin, SaeGwang-gie ^^ Dark but happy day kk
(That SuJu or “Suju Dog” nickname comes from a radio star episode ㅋㅋㅋㅋ .. it’s referring to Kyuhyun ㅋ
Source: shineeperudotcom.wordpress.com
[130219] Eunhyuk and Donghae supports SHINee
SHINee is back and Super Junior’s Eunhyuk and Donghae are cheering on their hoobaes on Twitter!
On February 19th, Eunhyuk and Donghae both tweeted the above photo of
themselves posing with SHINee. Eunhyuk tweeted, “SHINee’s back! Dream
Girl! I like it!” and Donghae wrote, “With SHINee! Dream Girl!!”
Are you as excited as Eunhyuk and Donghae that SHINee is back!?
Source: blog.ningin.com
[130218] Minho updates SHINee's Me2day on Jonghyun Photo Edit Contest
[민호] 김종현한복사진합성대회에 참여 해 주신 여러분 모두 진심으로 감사드립니다. 언제 터질지 모르는 전쟁에 대비해서 저도 열심히 준비하겠습니다.^^ 이어서 제가 뽑은 여러분의 작품 공개합니다! 즐겁게 감상해 주세요.~
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who participated in Kim Jonghyun Photo contest! To the war that might happen anytime I’ll be prepare hard too. Revealing the artworks done by you all that I have chosen! Please have fun seeing it~







Credit: forevershiningshinee@tumblr.com
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who participated in Kim Jonghyun Photo contest! To the war that might happen anytime I’ll be prepare hard too. Revealing the artworks done by you all that I have chosen! Please have fun seeing it~
Credit: forevershiningshinee@tumblr.com
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