[130430] Minho's Thanks To and Why So Serious? Photocard and Booklet
[Minho Chapter 2 Thanks To] At first, (I'm) very scared of the continuity of saddening issues. The more (I) want to resolve it, the worse it will become. After experiencing some stuff like this, since young I started to think "Will my worries aggravate?". A hole caused by such thinking and through such flaws, will I look upon myself and become wiser? (I am) currently 23 years old, till now the things that I have received and have shown are still insufficient, but I am looking forward to being able to discard the pain for me caused by you, or for you caused by me, and work hard to lead a happier life. Always thankful........
Credit: Mr Minho
[130428] SHINee Line updates Captain SHINee
[130426] OnKeyMinTae arriving at Music Bank
The pre recording for 'Why so serious' for Music Bank is over !
The outfits are in a rock style, in black and red, very cool ~
They made 1 rehearsal and 2 recording
The boys were in a good mood! Onew & Minho talked a lot to shawol ~
At the beginning they have to go down stairs so during break time they played around, going up & down on the steps, running
Onew was crazy kk Jumping, running, kneeling down on the floor & sitting on the floor during break time ~
Their starting position was like 'zombie', so each time they were waiting for the music to start in 'zombie position' but each time the music was late so after few seconds they were like '...ok anyway, let's chill' kk
For the second recording they were all in position to start but Key was late so he run cutely to the stage like 'wait for me!'
Taemin was so cute with his red hat
Source: SHINeeFrance
Before the stage, onew and taemin were so lovely when they touched each others necks for mic cable or something!
taemin arranged onew's left and right face ! I don't know if it is mic or ears or face.
Source: ontamnew
Before the afternoon recording session begin, Minho asked if we have heard SHINe, we replied yes. He sang "we are shine" and pointed the microphone at us. We....= =He was very disappointed. Onew ( ? ! ) said its ok, we don't know our songs very well too. Taemin too teased us for not knowing how to sing SHINe. Not sure what Kim Kibum said and was laughing at the back, can only hear his loud voice.
Source: human-lock
Chi-Eng Translation: eimanjjong
Choi Minho asked us before recording starts, "Still don't know the song right?" We replied yes, Choi Minho with his hand on stomach burst out laughing, "Hahahaha". All the fans were mad.
Source: onewtaemin
Chi-Eng Translation: eimanjjong
The zombie dance is so cute, so handsome ahhhhh Taemin wore the black and white web-like costume. Black studded pants, red cap. His hair is slightly curly with centre parting. He wore a very very long ear ring on his left ear. Extremely beautiful, extremely cute, extremely handsome. His high note is daebak TTTTTTTT
Source: Last Fantasy
Translated by: thpapergangster
Onew asked "(All of you) have not heard to song right?" once he came out to the stage. We said yes. He asked us to sing along to those parts we know; and learn the rest properly when we return home... so cute ^^
Key gave showed us a 'heart' hand gesture before he left the stage <3
starting pose is a Zombie pose. There is an Onkey pair dance at the end (of the song), a very short portion... can be considered as a pair dance? talking face to face =="'
Source: human-lock
Translated by: thpapergangster
For one of the recording, Onew hugged Minho's thighs. And because Stand by time was rather long, Onew just sat on the stage... *sobbing* so cute <333 TTTTTT
Onew's wink, I am dead~
First time (fans) have not heard the full version of the song, and SHINee had to record (for broadcast)! But Shawol's fan support/cheers are really great!!! THe kids are extremely cute and handsome on stage!!!!
The zombie dance is extremely charismatic!! How can zombies be so handsome TTTTTTTT
Source: Mayonew
Translated by: thpapergangster
Starting pose is Zombie style -everyone posed in standing positions, except Onew who was squatting down. The stand-by time was really long; Onew's legs was numbed so he sat on the floor and shook his small feet kekekeke. After sitting down for one second, staff shouted "start" and Onew shot up from his position..
Taemin asked (fans) if the digital music has been released. We all replied, No! Some Korean fans said 'He doesn't even know about this?' Minho said that he will be giving us an assignment - to listen to the song one and memorise the lyrics!
A general concensus with K-shawols that this stage is more handsome than Dream Girl... I really like Taemin's opening sentence... the part where Onew hyung is lying on the ground."
Source: 热可可0v0
Translated by: thpapergangster
By time was too long. Onew hyung was tired from squatting so he sat down on the floor with his legs opened and outstretche; both hands behind him to support his body. Both of his legs were wobbling around, so cute, just like a kid.
second recording, Minho was standing, Onew was squatting; then Onew hyung hugged Minho's legs in a 'Koala' manner. He did not release it after a long time TTTT so cute TTT Then he did a hi-5 and shoulder bump(?) move with Minho

Source: 1214鸡腿 酥SsuKI
Translated by: thpapergangster
The outfits are in a rock style, in black and red, very cool ~
They made 1 rehearsal and 2 recording
The boys were in a good mood! Onew & Minho talked a lot to shawol ~
At the beginning they have to go down stairs so during break time they played around, going up & down on the steps, running
Onew was crazy kk Jumping, running, kneeling down on the floor & sitting on the floor during break time ~
Their starting position was like 'zombie', so each time they were waiting for the music to start in 'zombie position' but each time the music was late so after few seconds they were like '...ok anyway, let's chill' kk
For the second recording they were all in position to start but Key was late so he run cutely to the stage like 'wait for me!'
Taemin was so cute with his red hat
Source: SHINeeFrance
Before the stage, onew and taemin were so lovely when they touched each others necks for mic cable or something!
taemin arranged onew's left and right face ! I don't know if it is mic or ears or face.
Source: ontamnew
Before the afternoon recording session begin, Minho asked if we have heard SHINe, we replied yes. He sang "we are shine" and pointed the microphone at us. We....= =He was very disappointed. Onew ( ? ! ) said its ok, we don't know our songs very well too. Taemin too teased us for not knowing how to sing SHINe. Not sure what Kim Kibum said and was laughing at the back, can only hear his loud voice.
Source: human-lock
Chi-Eng Translation: eimanjjong
Choi Minho asked us before recording starts, "Still don't know the song right?" We replied yes, Choi Minho with his hand on stomach burst out laughing, "Hahahaha". All the fans were mad.
Source: onewtaemin
Chi-Eng Translation: eimanjjong
The zombie dance is so cute, so handsome ahhhhh Taemin wore the black and white web-like costume. Black studded pants, red cap. His hair is slightly curly with centre parting. He wore a very very long ear ring on his left ear. Extremely beautiful, extremely cute, extremely handsome. His high note is daebak TTTTTTTT
Source: Last Fantasy
Translated by: thpapergangster
Onew asked "(All of you) have not heard to song right?" once he came out to the stage. We said yes. He asked us to sing along to those parts we know; and learn the rest properly when we return home... so cute ^^
Key gave showed us a 'heart' hand gesture before he left the stage <3
starting pose is a Zombie pose. There is an Onkey pair dance at the end (of the song), a very short portion... can be considered as a pair dance? talking face to face =="'
Source: human-lock
Translated by: thpapergangster
For one of the recording, Onew hugged Minho's thighs. And because Stand by time was rather long, Onew just sat on the stage... *sobbing* so cute <333 TTTTTT
Onew's wink, I am dead~
First time (fans) have not heard the full version of the song, and SHINee had to record (for broadcast)! But Shawol's fan support/cheers are really great!!! THe kids are extremely cute and handsome on stage!!!!
The zombie dance is extremely charismatic!! How can zombies be so handsome TTTTTTTT
Source: Mayonew
Translated by: thpapergangster
Starting pose is Zombie style -everyone posed in standing positions, except Onew who was squatting down. The stand-by time was really long; Onew's legs was numbed so he sat on the floor and shook his small feet kekekeke. After sitting down for one second, staff shouted "start" and Onew shot up from his position..
Taemin asked (fans) if the digital music has been released. We all replied, No! Some Korean fans said 'He doesn't even know about this?' Minho said that he will be giving us an assignment - to listen to the song one and memorise the lyrics!
A general concensus with K-shawols that this stage is more handsome than Dream Girl... I really like Taemin's opening sentence... the part where Onew hyung is lying on the ground."
Source: 热可可0v0
Translated by: thpapergangster
By time was too long. Onew hyung was tired from squatting so he sat down on the floor with his legs opened and outstretche; both hands behind him to support his body. Both of his legs were wobbling around, so cute, just like a kid.
second recording, Minho was standing, Onew was squatting; then Onew hyung hugged Minho's legs in a 'Koala' manner. He did not release it after a long time TTTT so cute TTT Then he did a hi-5 and shoulder bump(?) move with Minho
Source: 1214鸡腿 酥SsuKI
Translated by: thpapergangster
Credit to the owners
[130424] Minho ranks no. 2 Most Beloved Male Star voted by Middle-Aged Women
1. U-Kiss' Soohyun
2. SHINee's Minho
3. Rain
4. CNBLUE's Yonghwa
5. Teen Top's Ricky
Credit arirangworld
[130422] OnKeyMinTaeVic Interview on High Cut Magazine
On the morning of April 2nd, 4 days before <High Cut> was
supposed to have a photoshoot with SHINee for the cover of the 100th
issue, there was news of Jonghyun’s car accident. It felt like the
noona’s romance SHINee had come right before our eyes but then had
disappeared immediately. We could only be sad for a while, because we
were in a risky situation where we had to find the card to take his
place on the ambitious cover of the 100th issue. At the end of an
anxious tug-of-war, f(x)’s Victoria was chosen as the 5th member.Technically, they had a unique relationship. The ‘pretty noona’ in SHINee’s debut MV of “Replay” was Victoria.
Finally on the day of the shooting, we were able to understand the meaning of turning misfortune into blessings when the five stood in front of the camera. SHINee always shown their innocent, boyish image, but we were able to their charms as men when they stood in front of a woman. No matter what anyone said, the highlight of the shooting was the staff’s obsession over SHINee that kept changing. When Minho stared at the camera with melancholy eyes for his solo cut, they were Minho’s fans, but when Onew lay down on the bed and smiled, they turned into Onew’s fans. The SHINee members’ rankings in all of the female staff’s, including the reporters’, hearts changed all the time because of Key’s perfect model aura that confused the staff if he was a model or a singer, and because of Taemin’s melting of noona’s hearts with his devilish looks. Adding to this, Victoria and Minho had a breathtaking couple cut showing off their chemistry. Although it may be unfamiliar, we put SHINee’s masculine sides into the 100th issue of <High Cut>. If you’re a woman, no, even if you’re a man, your heart will start fluttering.
Finally on the day of the shooting, we were able to understand the meaning of turning misfortune into blessings when the five stood in front of the camera. SHINee always shown their innocent, boyish image, but we were able to their charms as men when they stood in front of a woman. No matter what anyone said, the highlight of the shooting was the staff’s obsession over SHINee that kept changing. When Minho stared at the camera with melancholy eyes for his solo cut, they were Minho’s fans, but when Onew lay down on the bed and smiled, they turned into Onew’s fans. The SHINee members’ rankings in all of the female staff’s, including the reporters’, hearts changed all the time because of Key’s perfect model aura that confused the staff if he was a model or a singer, and because of Taemin’s melting of noona’s hearts with his devilish looks. Adding to this, Victoria and Minho had a breathtaking couple cut showing off their chemistry. Although it may be unfamiliar, we put SHINee’s masculine sides into the 100th issue of <High Cut>. If you’re a woman, no, even if you’re a man, your heart will start fluttering.
First off, we’re curious about Jonghyun’s condition after the car accident.
Taemin: He hurt his his nose, so there’s no problem with his health. It’s nothing to worry about. But anyway, it’s hard for the five of us to have a photoshoot together. I’m disappointed that he couldn’t be with us today.
Minho: I talked to him yesterday and he said he’s living a very regular life at the hospital. Thanks to him, we got to do a photoshoot with Victoria noona (laugh). I laughed for a while because Victoria noona told me, “Tell Jonghyun that I said thanks. I got to do a photoshoot thanks to him.”
We actually looked at the combination of the five of you, and it turned out that ‘pretty noona’ in SHINee’s “Replay” music video was Victoria.
Victoria: Looking back, we all got so mature. Back then, it was before any of us debuted, and the SHINee members were all like cute little brothers. But they’ve become men now.
Key, Onew: (Very surprised) Wow, you speak really well.
Minho: We’ve never done an interview together like this after we debuted, so we were really surprised. When we were filming that music video, she only said, “Hello, I am Victoria,” more than ten times. So this is the power of broadcast.
Victoria: That’s right, I worked hard (laugh).
Taemin: He hurt his his nose, so there’s no problem with his health. It’s nothing to worry about. But anyway, it’s hard for the five of us to have a photoshoot together. I’m disappointed that he couldn’t be with us today.
Minho: I talked to him yesterday and he said he’s living a very regular life at the hospital. Thanks to him, we got to do a photoshoot with Victoria noona (laugh). I laughed for a while because Victoria noona told me, “Tell Jonghyun that I said thanks. I got to do a photoshoot thanks to him.”
We actually looked at the combination of the five of you, and it turned out that ‘pretty noona’ in SHINee’s “Replay” music video was Victoria.
Victoria: Looking back, we all got so mature. Back then, it was before any of us debuted, and the SHINee members were all like cute little brothers. But they’ve become men now.
Key, Onew: (Very surprised) Wow, you speak really well.
Minho: We’ve never done an interview together like this after we debuted, so we were really surprised. When we were filming that music video, she only said, “Hello, I am Victoria,” more than ten times. So this is the power of broadcast.
Victoria: That’s right, I worked hard (laugh).
Even <High Cut> thinks your Korean has
improved a lot. Before at the <Invincible Youth> (2010) press
conference, you only repeated, “I’ll work hard”.
Victoria: When we promote, I only used Korean. I felt bad that the younger members were speaking for me during interviews even though I was the leader, so I practiced really hard. (She got ‘mad’ when the SHINee members mentioned her age). Fine! I’m old, too! (laugh)
Taemin: (Soothing Victoria) But I don’t have anything to be awed about. I thought you were always good at Korean, noona.
SHINee and f(x) originally had an ‘intimate collaboration relationship’.
Minho: In SM, the (Super) Junior hyungs and Girls’ Generation are close to each other, and f(x) and SHINee are close to each other. In EXO’s case, there are few members who came in after we debuted, so there are some that we honestly don’t know well, but we’re close with all members of f(x).
Key: The groups that have similar training periods are close to each other. You can say we favor each other.
What kind of solo activities do you want to try?
Key: I’ve done them all. I’ve done a reality program and a musical, so there’s nothing I’m particularly greedy for. Ah, I really liked it when I went to Barcelona, Spain with Onew and Taemin and wrote a book. I want to write another one again in the future.
Onew: That was really nice. When we went on vacation, I would make a memo as soon as I heard a story and worked so hard that I wrote a manuscript. I’ve heard that the book helped out with other people’s vacation, so I was pleased.
Minho: I wish our company would do that for me, too. (laugh) I want to do my best and my current solo activities. Once that ends, I want to be fated with a nice project.
Victoria: When we promote, I only used Korean. I felt bad that the younger members were speaking for me during interviews even though I was the leader, so I practiced really hard. (She got ‘mad’ when the SHINee members mentioned her age). Fine! I’m old, too! (laugh)
Taemin: (Soothing Victoria) But I don’t have anything to be awed about. I thought you were always good at Korean, noona.
SHINee and f(x) originally had an ‘intimate collaboration relationship’.
Minho: In SM, the (Super) Junior hyungs and Girls’ Generation are close to each other, and f(x) and SHINee are close to each other. In EXO’s case, there are few members who came in after we debuted, so there are some that we honestly don’t know well, but we’re close with all members of f(x).
Key: The groups that have similar training periods are close to each other. You can say we favor each other.
What kind of solo activities do you want to try?
Key: I’ve done them all. I’ve done a reality program and a musical, so there’s nothing I’m particularly greedy for. Ah, I really liked it when I went to Barcelona, Spain with Onew and Taemin and wrote a book. I want to write another one again in the future.
Onew: That was really nice. When we went on vacation, I would make a memo as soon as I heard a story and worked so hard that I wrote a manuscript. I’ve heard that the book helped out with other people’s vacation, so I was pleased.
Minho: I wish our company would do that for me, too. (laugh) I want to do my best and my current solo activities. Once that ends, I want to be fated with a nice project.
[Trans] SHINee’s Onew, Key, Minho & Taemin for ‘High Cut’ Magazine
On the morning of April 2nd, 4 days before <High Cut> was
supposed to have a photoshoot with SHINee for the cover of the 100th
issue, there was news of Jonghyun’s car accident. It felt like the
noona’s romance SHINee had come right before our eyes but then had
disappeared immediately. We could only be sad for a while, because we
were in a risky situation where we had to find the card to take his
place on the ambitious cover of the 100th issue. At the end of an
anxious tug-of-war, f(x)’s Victoria was chosen as the 5th member.Technically, they had a unique relationship. The ‘pretty noona’ in SHINee’s debut MV of “Replay” was Victoria.
Finally on the day of the shooting, we were able to understand the meaning of turning misfortune into blessings when the five stood in front of the camera. SHINee always shown their innocent, boyish image, but we were able to their charms as men when they stood in front of a woman. No matter what anyone said, the highlight of the shooting was the staff’s obsession over SHINee that kept changing. When Minho stared at the camera with melancholy eyes for his solo cut, they were Minho’s fans, but when Onew lay down on the bed and smiled, they turned into Onew’s fans. The SHINee members’ rankings in all of the female staff’s, including the reporters’, hearts changed all the time because of Key’s perfect model aura that confused the staff if he was a model or a singer, and because of Taemin’s melting of noona’s hearts with his devilish looks. Adding to this, Victoria and Minho had a breathtaking couple cut showing off their chemistry. Although it may be unfamiliar, we put SHINee’s masculine sides into the 100th issue of <High Cut>. If you’re a woman, no, even if you’re a man, your heart will start fluttering.
First off, we’re curious about Jonghyun’s condition after the car accident.
Taemin: He hurt his his nose, so there’s no problem with his health. It’s nothing to worry about. But anyway, it’s hard for the five of us to have a photoshoot together. I’m disappointed that he couldn’t be with us today.
Minho: I talked to him yesterday and he said he’s living a very regular life at the hospital. Thanks to him, we got to do a photoshoot with Victoria noona (laugh). I laughed for a while because Victoria noona told me, “Tell Jonghyun that I said thanks. I got to do a photoshoot thanks to him.”
We actually looked at the combination of the five of you, and it turned out that ‘pretty noona’ in SHINee’s “Replay” music video was Victoria.
Victoria: Looking back, we all got so mature. Back then, it was before any of us debuted, and the SHINee members were all like cute little brothers. But they’ve become men now.
Key, Onew: (Very surprised) Wow, you speak really well.
Minho: We’ve never done an interview together like this after we debuted, so we were really surprised. When we were filming that music video, she only said, “Hello, I am Victoria,” more than ten times. So this is the power of broadcast.
Victoria: That’s right, I worked hard (laugh).
Even <High Cut> thinks your Korean has improved a lot. Before at the <Invincible Youth> (2010) press conference, you only repeated, “I’ll work hard”.
Victoria: When we promote, I only used Korean. I felt bad that the younger members were speaking for me during interviews even though I was the leader, so I practiced really hard. (She got ‘mad’ when the SHINee members mentioned her age). Fine! I’m old, too! (laugh)
Taemin: (Soothing Victoria) But I don’t have anything to be awed about. I thought you were always good at Korean, noona.
SHINee and f(x) originally had an ‘intimate collaboration relationship’.
Minho: In SM, the (Super) Junior hyungs and Girls’ Generation are close to each other, and f(x) and SHINee are close to each other. In EXO’s case, there are few members who came in after we debuted, so there are some that we honestly don’t know well, but we’re close with all members of f(x).
Key: The groups that have similar training periods are close to each other. You can say we favor each other.
What kind of solo activities do you want to try?
Key: I’ve done them all. I’ve done a reality program and a musical, so there’s nothing I’m particularly greedy for. Ah, I really liked it when I went to Barcelona, Spain with Onew and Taemin and wrote a book. I want to write another one again in the future.
Onew: That was really nice. When we went on vacation, I would make a memo as soon as I heard a story and worked so hard that I wrote a manuscript. I’ve heard that the book helped out with other people’s vacation, so I was pleased.
Minho: I wish our company would do that for me, too. (laugh) I want to do my best and my current solo activities. Once that ends, I want to be fated with a nice project.
Next month will be SHINee’s 5th anniversary since debut. What do you think has changed the most?
Key: When we first debuted, everything was unfamiliar because I didn’t know anything. It was really uncomfortable to speak or interact with the staff. I was always tense. Now, I’ve relaxed and I’m able to read the atmosphere well. Those skills have improved a lot.
Minho: All five of us have become experienced and are noticeably more comfortable on stage. Looking at videos of us from back then, we were really cute.
Key: I can’t watch those videos. It makes me feel the burden of thinking before stage, “I can’t make a mistake. I have to do well no matter what.”
Onew: I’ve become sly. If Minho is good at reading the atmosphere on air, then I’m the type to not do it at all. (If my jokes) aren’t good, they get edited out completely. If they are good, I get more screen time. I normally throw them out recklessly but it’s actually that I am very careful on shows.
Key: I wish you would think of the people always next to you. You throw them out too recklessly. (explosion of laughter)
Jonghyun is suddenly unable to carry out promotions. What are SHINee’s immediate promotion plans?
Minho: “Dream Girl” is from the “Chapter One” version, so we have to put out the song relevant to “Chapter Two”. We’ll probably promote as four without Jonghyun hyung. The feeling of the song will be an entirely different from “Chapter One”.
Key: We don’t even have time to rest. We had to prepare for promotions again. We hadn’t practiced the choreography for the new track, so it was pretty tiring when we suddenly did it yesterday.
Finally on the day of the shooting, we were able to understand the meaning of turning misfortune into blessings when the five stood in front of the camera. SHINee always shown their innocent, boyish image, but we were able to their charms as men when they stood in front of a woman. No matter what anyone said, the highlight of the shooting was the staff’s obsession over SHINee that kept changing. When Minho stared at the camera with melancholy eyes for his solo cut, they were Minho’s fans, but when Onew lay down on the bed and smiled, they turned into Onew’s fans. The SHINee members’ rankings in all of the female staff’s, including the reporters’, hearts changed all the time because of Key’s perfect model aura that confused the staff if he was a model or a singer, and because of Taemin’s melting of noona’s hearts with his devilish looks. Adding to this, Victoria and Minho had a breathtaking couple cut showing off their chemistry. Although it may be unfamiliar, we put SHINee’s masculine sides into the 100th issue of <High Cut>. If you’re a woman, no, even if you’re a man, your heart will start fluttering.
First off, we’re curious about Jonghyun’s condition after the car accident.
Taemin: He hurt his his nose, so there’s no problem with his health. It’s nothing to worry about. But anyway, it’s hard for the five of us to have a photoshoot together. I’m disappointed that he couldn’t be with us today.
Minho: I talked to him yesterday and he said he’s living a very regular life at the hospital. Thanks to him, we got to do a photoshoot with Victoria noona (laugh). I laughed for a while because Victoria noona told me, “Tell Jonghyun that I said thanks. I got to do a photoshoot thanks to him.”
We actually looked at the combination of the five of you, and it turned out that ‘pretty noona’ in SHINee’s “Replay” music video was Victoria.
Victoria: Looking back, we all got so mature. Back then, it was before any of us debuted, and the SHINee members were all like cute little brothers. But they’ve become men now.
Key, Onew: (Very surprised) Wow, you speak really well.
Minho: We’ve never done an interview together like this after we debuted, so we were really surprised. When we were filming that music video, she only said, “Hello, I am Victoria,” more than ten times. So this is the power of broadcast.
Victoria: That’s right, I worked hard (laugh).
Even <High Cut> thinks your Korean has improved a lot. Before at the <Invincible Youth> (2010) press conference, you only repeated, “I’ll work hard”.
Victoria: When we promote, I only used Korean. I felt bad that the younger members were speaking for me during interviews even though I was the leader, so I practiced really hard. (She got ‘mad’ when the SHINee members mentioned her age). Fine! I’m old, too! (laugh)
Taemin: (Soothing Victoria) But I don’t have anything to be awed about. I thought you were always good at Korean, noona.
SHINee and f(x) originally had an ‘intimate collaboration relationship’.
Minho: In SM, the (Super) Junior hyungs and Girls’ Generation are close to each other, and f(x) and SHINee are close to each other. In EXO’s case, there are few members who came in after we debuted, so there are some that we honestly don’t know well, but we’re close with all members of f(x).
Key: The groups that have similar training periods are close to each other. You can say we favor each other.
What kind of solo activities do you want to try?
Key: I’ve done them all. I’ve done a reality program and a musical, so there’s nothing I’m particularly greedy for. Ah, I really liked it when I went to Barcelona, Spain with Onew and Taemin and wrote a book. I want to write another one again in the future.
Onew: That was really nice. When we went on vacation, I would make a memo as soon as I heard a story and worked so hard that I wrote a manuscript. I’ve heard that the book helped out with other people’s vacation, so I was pleased.
Minho: I wish our company would do that for me, too. (laugh) I want to do my best and my current solo activities. Once that ends, I want to be fated with a nice project.
Next month will be SHINee’s 5th anniversary since debut. What do you think has changed the most?
Key: When we first debuted, everything was unfamiliar because I didn’t know anything. It was really uncomfortable to speak or interact with the staff. I was always tense. Now, I’ve relaxed and I’m able to read the atmosphere well. Those skills have improved a lot.
Minho: All five of us have become experienced and are noticeably more comfortable on stage. Looking at videos of us from back then, we were really cute.
Key: I can’t watch those videos. It makes me feel the burden of thinking before stage, “I can’t make a mistake. I have to do well no matter what.”
Onew: I’ve become sly. If Minho is good at reading the atmosphere on air, then I’m the type to not do it at all. (If my jokes) aren’t good, they get edited out completely. If they are good, I get more screen time. I normally throw them out recklessly but it’s actually that I am very careful on shows.
Key: I wish you would think of the people always next to you. You throw them out too recklessly. (explosion of laughter)
Jonghyun is suddenly unable to carry out promotions. What are SHINee’s immediate promotion plans?
Minho: “Dream Girl” is from the “Chapter One” version, so we have to put out the song relevant to “Chapter Two”. We’ll probably promote as four without Jonghyun hyung. The feeling of the song will be an entirely different from “Chapter One”.
Key: We don’t even have time to rest. We had to prepare for promotions again. We hadn’t practiced the choreography for the new track, so it was pretty tiring when we suddenly did it yesterday.
Onew: I woke up today and it felt like I was beaten up. I think the choreography is more intense than the last.
How many push-ups do you have to do to stretch?
(All at the same time) We don’t really have to do push-ups anymore. (explosion of laughter)
In 5 years, what will the people sitting here be doing?
Onew: Ah, I’ll be 30 years old in 5 years.
Key: If I had to pick something that I want to do within 5 years, I want to have my own house. (laugh) I don’t have a house in Seoul, and my parents live in Daegu. I want to have a house in Seoul.
Onew: Isn’t London your home town? (Everyone laughs)
Taemin: I’ll be 26 in 5 years, which is the age I have to be the most energetic. I think having my own color is important, so I’ll have to figure out what I’m the best at.
Minho: Ah…. (thinking really hard). I can’t think of anything right now, but I want to be better than I am now. More than anything, I want to be happy.
Onew: I don’t really know, but I will definitely be laughing. For sure.
Source: shineee.net
How many push-ups do you have to do to stretch?
(All at the same time) We don’t really have to do push-ups anymore. (explosion of laughter)
In 5 years, what will the people sitting here be doing?
Onew: Ah, I’ll be 30 years old in 5 years.
Key: If I had to pick something that I want to do within 5 years, I want to have my own house. (laugh) I don’t have a house in Seoul, and my parents live in Daegu. I want to have a house in Seoul.
Onew: Isn’t London your home town? (Everyone laughs)
Taemin: I’ll be 26 in 5 years, which is the age I have to be the most energetic. I think having my own color is important, so I’ll have to figure out what I’m the best at.
Minho: Ah…. (thinking really hard). I can’t think of anything right now, but I want to be better than I am now. More than anything, I want to be happy.
Onew: I don’t really know, but I will definitely be laughing. For sure.
Source: shineee.net
[130419] SHINee Interview in Japanese and Korean Music Crazy
#1 【Trans】 130419 日韓音樂瘋 | Q: Where would you like to go if you could travel through time
Jonghyun "Recently, Taemin keeps mentioning (about this)...."
Taemin "I would like to travel to the time when I will be 26 years old"
SHINee "Ah.. to the future?"
Taemin "Yes, to the future. Because it is in the mid-20s, so I will probably be resembling most to my true self at the age.. very young.."
Jonghyun "Young Taemin-goon. A man.. an adolescent. (Taemin) wants to travel to the time when Taemin turns 26"
s/n : Only Taemin answered this question.
#2 【Trans】 130419 日韓音樂瘋 |Q: Member's favourite song (in the album)
(Around 4:05)
Minho "For me, it's the song "Dynamite. It is a very explosive kind of song. I feel that the parts where each and every member shouts is really awesome."
Jonghyun "Can we have a listen to Minho-goon's part?"
Minho "My rap..."
Taemin "It is the part I like"
Jonghyun "Taemin really likes it"
Taemin "Let's do it together, I will be be by your side helping you out"
*2min raps together*
Minho "That was really great"
Watch the video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RCxASiHjDU
#3 【Trans】 130419 日韓音樂瘋 | Q: Member's favourite song (in the album)
Part 2 :
Jonghyun "Taemin-goon which song do you like?"
Taemin "I really like the part where Minho raps in "Dynamite""
SHINee "Ahhhh..."
Key "So warm/sweet"
Jonghyun "The essence.. (Taemin) likes Minho's rap portion. Minho have composed a lot of raps for this album as well"
#4 【Trans】 130419 日韓音樂瘋 |
Q: The thing you would like to do most visiting Taiwan.
Jonghyun "Speaking of Taiwan, we have held a concert in Taiwan before"
Minho "If we were to hold it there again, it will definitely be great. Hope we are able to meet everyone through concerts again!"
Q : Please say a few words to your fans :
Minho "After a period of absence, we have came back to meet everyone with "Dream Girl", Hope that we are able to visit Taiwan quickly to meet everyone. Everybody, please wait a little longer, we will bring good news when we visit everybody! Please wait patiently~"
[130418] To The Beautiful You DVD in Japan
[130417] Minho and Sulli on The Philippines Star

K-Pop superstars team up in Beautiful You
(The Philippine Star) | Updated April 17, 2013 - 12:00am
Minho and Sulli, stars of the Koreanovela
MANILA, Philippines - K-pop superstars Minho of boyband Shinee and Sulli of girl group (F)X team up for the very first time on ABS-CBN's To the Beautiful You, which airs weekdays after Pinoy True Stories.
Minho and Sulli got into acting via this Korean adaptation of the hit Taiwanese soap Hana Kimi, where they both received their first acting awards as Best Newcomers and Best Couple (nomination) in the 2012 SBS Drama Awards.
Follow the story of JC Goo, a Korean girl who lives in the US who will fall in love with high-jump athlete, Paul John Kang, after seeing him compete on TV. She begins to idolize Paul whom she considers as her biggest inspiration in life.
Paul, however, meets an accident that could possibly end his career which will prompt JC to go back to Korea, attend the same school Paul goes to and carry on a mission to convince the track and field star not to quit sports.
There is a catch, though. Paul attends an all-boys high school and JC must disguise herself as a boy to be enrolled as a student.
The Taiwanese version of Hana Kimi starring Taiwanese heartthrob Wu Chun and Taiwanese sweetheart Ella Chen also aired on ABS-CBN back in 2008.
Source: http://www.philstar.com:8080/entertainment/2013/04/17/931463/k-pop-superstars-team-beautiful-you
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