[131029] Minho is 2nd on Synarra Stage's Best Idol Actors
Posted Today, 06:24 PM
September 26 to October 29, 2013
1. Kim Jaejoong
2. Choi Minho
3. Bae Suzy
4.Lee Seunggi
5. Choi Sulli
6. T.O.P.
7. Im Yoona
8. Seo Inguk
Source: http://www.synnara.c...=1#.UnIqZ1P1TNT
[131029] Minho and Taemin update UFO
[131029] Minho talks about his fast metabolism and ripping his tight pants while dancing
SHINee appeared on the October 28 installment of KBS 2TV's 'Hello Today'. On this day, a woman on the show revealed that her husband would always tell her to lose weight.
The MCs then asked the boys of SHINee whether they had to be concerned about their weight.
It appeared that Minho never had a problem with his weight. He revealed, "I eat five meals a day, but I don't gain weight." Understandably, anyone would be jealous of such high metabolism!
Jonghyun revealed, "I lost 12 kg (~ 26 lbs) since the last time I was on 'Hello Today,'" which was eight months ago.
On the show the topic of their tight pants also came up and MC Lee Young Ja asked, "While performing fierce choreography, have you ever ripped your pants?"
Jonghyun said, "Even today, I ripped about two pair of pants."
Minho said, "There's a part called the 'DJ dance' where we spread our legs and while spreading my legs, the middle part suddenly just ripped open," causing everyone to laugh.
The fierce dancing and the very tight pants are sure to create such outfit mishaps.
Source: allkpop.com
[131029] SHINee's Message for ‘EVERYBODY'
2013. 10. 23. - MBC MUSIC 쇼 챔피언 1위!
2013. 10. 25. - KBS 뮤직뱅크 1위!
2013. 10. 26. - MBC 쇼! 음악중심 1위!
2013. 10. 27. - SBS 인기가요 1위!
2013.10.23 - MBC MUSIC SHOW CHAMPION 1st!
2013.10.25 - KBS MUSIC BANK 1st!
2013.10.26 - MBC SHOW! MUSIC CORE 1st!
2013.10.27 - SBS INKIGAYO 1st!
[From. ONEW]
지난 주 일위의 순간에
여러분과 함께 있지 못해 아쉬웠습니다.
앞으로 더 즐겁게 활동할게요 여러분도 영원히 함께해주세요 ~
Last week when we got 1st,
it was a pity that all of us were not together.
Let’s continue to have promotion events happily, please also give us your support~
Thank you everyone! ^^
[From. Jong Hyun]
EVERYBODY로 컴백해서 지난 주 1위를 했는데요
너무너무 감사 드리고 ^^ 전부 여러분 덕분입니다!!
EVERYBODY COMEBACK got 1st last week
really really thank you everybody ^^ Totally thanks to every one of you !!
[From. Key]
정말 고맙습니다!!
앞으로 시작이라 생각하고 더 열심히 하겠습니다!
진짜 감사해요~♥
Really thank you everyone!!
We will continue to work hard !
Really thanks to everyone~♥
[From. Min Ho]
항상 … 너무 감사하고 고맙습니다 …
너무 … 많이… 진심을 정말 전하고 싶은데…
여러분 덕분에 항상 행복하고 기쁘고 힘이나요.^^
언제나 여러분께 웃음을 전해주고 힘이 되어줄 수 있도록 더 노력할게요
너무 고맙고 또 고마워요~~ 우리 앞으로 더 힘내요!
이제 추우니까 감기 조심하시구요!!! ^^
Always… always feeling thankful Thank you everyone…
Really… extremely… sincerely wants convey…
All thanks to you we feel so blessed .. happiness…and with energy ^^
We will continue work hard to ensure we bring happiness and energy to all of you
Really thankful… really very thankful to everyone~~ we will work even hard!
Now the weather has become cold, please be careful not to catch a cold!!! ^^
[From. Tae Min]
축하는 저희만 받는 게 아니라
여러분도 같이 받는 거에요 ㅎㅎㅎ
늦었지만 일위 축하해요 샤이니 월드 ^^
Celebrating that we got 1st
Everybody has also got 1st hahaha
Although we are late, congratulations on being 1st ~ SHINee World ^^
Credit: SHINee SMTOWN Official Site (Star Message Board)
Korean - Chinese Translations: Mr.SHINee
Chinese - English Translations: Forever_SHINee
Credit: forevershiningshinee@tumblr.com
[131028] Minho and older brother Minseok's Competitiveness
Minho's competitiveness runs in the family.... [Instiz] Minho's brother,
Minseok, whom has never lost to Minho, felt for the first time that his
younger brother surpassed him when SHINee debuted. Thus he gave up his
admission to Yonsei University and repeated for a year and entered Seoul
University by getting All 1. Spurred on by his brother, competitive
Minho entered Konkuk University with exceptional results and the exams
were taken post debut. This result was done with hard work amid his busy
schedules. He also participated in numerous activities in the school.
He also obtained good results of A amid his busy schedules and even
donated his school fees. He was recently asked to leave a message for
third-year college students on a radio program, Minho: Back then I was
guessing it by chance mostly, everyone please do not guess, please work
hard for the exams. Korean fans' reactions: Ah.. Yes... Guessing can get
you into Konkuk University... Minho yah...
Translated by eimanjjong@twitter.com
[131025] Minho and Jae's cute interaction
[131021] Minho was crowned as Prince Monitor during filming of Medical Top Team
Minho is doing both stage comeback and filming drama. Even with hectic schedule, he shows cheerful mood on the set while focusing on his acting. MTT officials said, Minho is attentively following the PD, he even seeks advice for his senior colleagues with taking down notes. He reads his script sincerely with much effort. He really is potential actor,"
Source: segye.com
[131021] SHINee (Minho focus) in Boys Meet You Sapporo

It's time to read the message/question picked by Minho. He was doing something secretly when others were answering other question. When the MC called him to ask for the question he picked, he threw the question paper which was folded into an airplane towards the MC. JH&KEY: That's rude! ON: Rude~ (Cr tuntunjaemin)
How Onew, Taemin and Minho came out to the stage...
Taemin → Waving hands with a big smile
Onew → Hiding behind the MC lady, then peeked out with a big smile
Minho → Happily saying incomprehensible things through the megaphone
(Cr tuntunjaemin)
Credit: redndazzling@twitter.com
[131021] Minho is 6th on "The 25 Hottest Abs in Kpop"
From the youngest stars to ones with years of experience, we’ve put together a list of 25 of some of the hottest abs in Kpop… if we were to include them all, the list would go on forever! So, if you think there is someone deserving that we left off the list, please leave their name in the comment section below.
In the meantime, check out the hotties below. The list is in no particular order!
#1- 2PM
What list of chocolate abs would be complete without the entire crew of 2PM? Each and every one of these members deserve a spot on the list, so I chose to list them together… because so many hot guys in just one picture makes everyone’s day a little better!
#2- Siwon of Super Junior
Thank goodness Siwon doesn’t have a problem showing off his gorgeous abs, because SJ’s Super Shows just wouldn’t be the same without a shirtless Siwon every once in a while. Can I get an amen?
#3- Jay Park
Do I really need to explain why Jay Park is on this list? He’s like the King of Chocolate Abs! He’s also incredibly talented and successful… some people have all the luck!
#4- Daesung of BIGBANG
While Taeyang is usually the one who gets all the ab glory in BIGBANG, Daesung also has a gorgeous body with super-defined abs. I approve!
#5 – Lee Joon of MBLAQ
Oh Lee Joon… not only do you have an incredibly gorgeous face, but you have an incredibly gorgeous set of abs to go with it! Life has been extra kind to you.
#6- Minho of SHINee
Did you know Choi Minho had abs? Because I didn’t! I’m certainly glad I’m aware of that fact now though… wow.
#7- Leeteuk of Super Junior
While Leeteuk might not have the bulk of Siwon, he definitely has gorgeous, defined abs. Everyone knows how proud he is of his hard work to get these muscles, so I say show it off all the time!
#8 – 100%
Have you heard of the group 100%? If not, go google them now! More astounding than their musical talent is the fact that all 7 members have perfectly sculpted abs… how is this much hotness possible in one group?
#9- Brian Joo
Formerly of Fly to the Sky, Brian is now a solo artist, as well as a singer for the Christian group 3rd Wave Music. At 32 years old, he is a dedicated fitness freak and has the body to prove it!
#10 – Rain
At 31, Rain is one of the original idols to sport super rock hard abs. After finishing 2 years of military service this summer, I bet these abs have just gotten even better!
#11- Minwoo of Boyfriend
Minwoo may be the maknae of Boyfriend but his abs are certainly not juvenile! At 18 years old, Minwoo has worked hard to develop his stomach muscles and they are definitely worthy of a spot on our list.
#12- Kim Hyun Joong
Oh my…. what’s not to love about KHJ? Gorgeous face? check. Rocking body? Check. Talented? Check. Dance moves that will make you swoon? Double check.
#13 – Kiseop of UKISS
Tall and slender Kiseop may not seem like he has defined muscles hiding under his shirt, but he actually does! Washboard abs are just part of what makes up Kiseop’s perfectly toned dancers body.
#14- 2AM
It must be a rule if your group is named after a number (2PM, 2AM, 100%) then you must have incredibly toned abs. While 2PM might be more famous for their rocking bodies, 2AM shows they are certainly deserving of attention as well.
#15- Jaejoong of JYJ
Jaejoong is one of those unbelievably perfect looking people that looked like they just stepped out of a manga. In addition to that gorgeous face, he has a set of washboard abs that would make anyone jealous.
#16- Donghae of Super Junior
Let’s be honest, a lot of Super Junior members could be included on this list. Even slender Ryeowook has a pack of note-worthy abs! So how can I not include my favorite Suju member, Donghae? One word for this man… yummylicious.

#17 – Ki Kwang of BEAST
Shortly after his debut, the media started referring to this young singer as the second “Rain.” Whether it’s in reference to his musical skills or his looks, no doubt Ki Kwang has a set of killer abs just like Rain himself.
#18 - Sangchu of Mighty Mouth
Ok… technically Mighty Mouth is a hip-hop duo, not Kpop. However, take a look at Sangchu’s abs and you will see why he is on this list. The gorgeous 31 year old singer was one of the celebrities involved in the recent military scandal with Se7en, but when it comes to his abs, we still give him a standing ovation.
#19 – Dong Jun of ZE:A
Dong Jun, the gorgeous 21 year old singer from the group ZE:A, likes to play soccer, work out and exercise. Really? I would never have guessed…
#20 – Minhyuk from BTOB
Fans were surprised when Minhyuk revealed these super defined abs on the BTOB reality show B+ Diary. Since then, many of the BTOB members have shown us they also have amazing abs as well!
#21- Simon of DMTM
The group DMTM doesn’t lack in the ab department…. and one of the most ab-licious members in the group? Simon! To top it off, he has an incredibly gorgeous face and is super talented. In love, yet?
#22- Jonghyun of SHINee
Ladies and gentlemen… I give you the beautiful glory that is Jonghyun’s abs! You’re welcome.
#23- Eunhyuk of Super Junior
Any good Kpop fan knows there is one singer who consistently likes to show off those sexy abs while he dances. Eunhyuk…. we can’t thank you enough.
#24 – Jang Woo Hyuk of H.O.T.
Let’s go old-school Kpop for a minute… Jang Woo Hyuk made his debut with the group H.O.T. back in 1996. He now enjoys a successful career as a solo artist, dancer and choreographer at the age of 35. Eunhyuk of SJ is said to have been inspired by Woo Hyuk’s dances. Also inspiring? His smoking hot body!
#25 – Taeyang of BIGBANG
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm… There’s really not much else to say when it comes to this BIGBANG hottie.
As I said… there are a lot of gorgeous abs out there in the Kpop world. These 25 men who made the list represent only a few of them! Which Kpop star do you think has the best abs of all? Let us know in the comment section below.
Source: en.korea.com
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