[141130] lovemegod updates naver blog with Minho carrying a baby

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[141129] Minho, BoA, Sooyoung, Ryeowook, Yunho commenting about SMROOKIES

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Credit: SMROOKIES_Intl@twitter.com

[141129] Minho's Birthday Ad at Konkuk University Station Line 2

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Credit: tWeeTy_jAc@twitter.com

[141129] MC Minho, Sohyun, and Bomi in Music Core

Credit to the owners

[141127] Minho is top 8 on 10 Most Beautiful Korean Male Idols

Top 10 Most Beautiful Korean Male Idols

Korea is known for many technological advances, diverse cultures, the uniqueness of its people and also extraordinarily gorgeous men. The past seasons of Korean Idols have seen some of the best talent Korea has unleashed. These talented fellows are also endowed with the looks and are worth ranking. Below is a list of the top 10 most beautiful Korean male idols.

10). Jonghyun of SHINee

This lead vocalist can be best described as being talented, adorable, considerate towards his team members and very humble. He has many positive qualities to write home about. His values are what keep him in the list of fame and beauty.
Jonghyun of SHINee
Jonghyun of SHINee

9). Jang Geun Suk

There isn’t anything about him that doesn’t call for admiration. A good looking guy with multi talent, he can sing and act as well. He is warm hearted, humble and sincere and his voice is simply mesmerizing.
Most Beautiful Korean Male Idols
Jang Geun Suk

8). Choi Minho

He is amazing in looks and has an awesome personality. His killer smile has to be one of strongest features that enhance his all round beauty.
Most Beautiful Korean Male Idols
Choi Minho

7). Lee Teuk

One of the best idol talents Korea has ever seen. He is hard working, friendly, kind and has so much love for his fans as compared to many other arrogant pop group leaders. And most of all he is very stylish, fresh, handsome and talented.
Lee Teuk
Lee Teuk

6). Choi Siwon

He is definitely the perfect combination with the perfect attitude, talent, brains and looks to die for. He carries himself around with so much grace and control.
Choi Siwon
Choi Siwon

5). T.O.P

He is openly loved and adored by millions of women. His eyes speak volumes as to where this immense love is coming from. He’s very attractive, has a unique voice and he is so full of swag.

4). Donghae

The first thing to notice is how cute he is. He has a great personality and offers charming on-stage performances.

3). Kim Hyun Joong

He has a stable and appealing personality that makes people adore him for lack of a better word. He’s ever playful, vocally blessed, dedicated, loves his fans, handsome and many seem to see him as a workaholic.
Kim Hyun Joong
Kim Hyun Joong

2). Yonghwa

He is best characterized as handsome, charismatic, talented, hardworking, funny and modest. He has catchy eyes, awesome stage presence and a beautiful voice. He’s also a brilliant actor, guitarist, composer and rapper. This multi-talented guy is an all round musician and not just a pretty face as most would think him to be.

1). Jaejoong

He definitely has what it takes to top this list. He is a lovable person with a voice so strong, unique and soothing. He totally defies all the set stereotypes that cute guys in boy bands cannot sing or perform in any way. He has it all from the attractive looks to superb personality and public appeal.
Most idols are always known for their voices and how well they can woo an audience into giving standing ovations. Well, there are other idols that have the whole package to offer the world. This is quite visible in the top 10 most beautiful Korean male idols list which features only the best in talent and beauty.
Meanwhile, do not forget to read about Most Famous Korean Male Starsthat will let you know more about Stars and Entertainment Industry in Korea. We also have a good article about Most Beautiful Korean Actresses And Models that will make all of you fall in love with them.
Source: http://yourbesttop10.com/top-10-beautiful-korean-male-idols/

[141122] Minho was trending in Korea for singing Kyuhyun's song

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Credit: tWeeTy_jAc@twitter.com rinnidae@twitter.com

[141122] Minho at SW2014 JAT

Credit to the owners

[141122] Minho arrival at Sapporo Japan

Credit to the owners

[141122] Minho is praised by netizens for singing Kyuhyun's Gwanghwamun

Article: Kyuhyun wins #1 on 'Music Core' despite nonattendance... Minho's surprise encore performance

OSEN via Naver

1. [+5,566, -236] I was surprised at how unexpectedly good Minho was at singing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+3,998, -479] It was fun and different to hear his seniors, juniors, and fellow singers perform the encore. Yesterday was Donghae, today was Minho... looking forward to who it'll be tomorrow. Baekhyun, gogo

3. [+3,349, -144] Congratulations on #1~~ Minho looked cool singing at the end~~ ㅋ

4. [+2,463, -85] Congratulations on #1~~~

5. [+1,985, -834] Kyuhyun-ah, congratulations on #1!!! A Pink, let's hurry and win #1 too!!!

6. [+603, -23] Minho was good at singing

7. [+605, -28] Minho's not so bad at singing ㅋㅋㅋㅋ SM seems to train the basics very strongly...

8. [+590, -17] It was nice hearing Minho's version ㅎㅎ he seemed really nervous though, you could see his hand shaking while holding the mic

9. [+570, -24] Minho improved so much! SM seems to train them well

Source: netizenbuzz.blogspot.com

[141120] Minho gets praises for his intelligence

Pann: An idol's knowledge in history

Q) "Before East Timor was merged with Indonesia, which country governed East Timor?"

Minho) "Portugal" 

Q) "What's the reason why Queen Seondeok made Cheomseongdae?"

Minho) "For farming"

Q) "What does Yoon Bong Gil remind you?"

Minho) "Lunch box bomb"

Q) "There's another bomb besides lunch box"

Minho) "Water bottle"

Gil) "Minho is too good"

Yoo Jaesuk) "Apparently, it wasn't a lunch box but a water bottle"

Minho) "I also found out about it recently"

"Hello, I'm SHINee Minho. On the 1st, I came back to the country after completing China Shanghai concert. Even though I had overseas concert, I thought I must vote for 6.4 election.... (he continues talking about the importance of voting)"


1. [+204, -8] That's cool of Minho

2. [+196, -11] SHINee has no controversies and they're well-mannered. Hwaiting

3. [+187, -8] Oh it's Minho. I'm viewing him in a different way. He's cool

4. [+73, -1] Minho's smart ㅋㅋ He did all broadcast promotions and still got into Konkuk Uni with his scores ㅋㅋ If you study for university entrance exams, you'd know that it's not easy to get into Konkuk Uni with your scores. A majority of students study for their entire lives but still get into worse universities ㅋㅋ Minho's hyung even got into Seoul University ㅋㅋ

5. [+70, -1] I'm glad that not every idol is an airhead

6. [+64, -0] Before Minho wrote the university entrance exams, he filmed Dream Team? He did a schedule that he had to use his body. On the next day, he wrote the exams but still got into Konkuk University... I like him because he seems educated and smart ㅠㅠ

Source: kpopkfans.blogspot.com

Make It Real: Chapter 32

 Juniel underwent some test such as ultrasound to determine if there is damage to the baby or her uterus. The driver of the taxi who had sent her to the hospital already left her. He refused to accept her payment so she expressed her deepest gratitude. The girl tried to contact her husband but his cellphone was set busy. Minho was in fact attending an annual banking conference during that time.   
Later, a doctor showed up to tell the result. 
"Your placenta is functioning well. The baby is unlikely to be hurt since the uterus and the amniotic sac provides a strong cushion for the fetus." 
"Thanks Doctor." Juniel breathed a sigh of relief. 
"However, the first three months of your pregnancy is the most crucial stage. And if you're not careful next time there will be more risk afterwards. 
"Yes Doctor." She nodded. 
Juniel brought up her mobile again to call her mother. She needs some supporter as she could not walk alone suffering slight injury after the incident. "Ma, please come here at the hospital."  
"What? Why Angel?" Worried by the mother. 
"No nothing much. I just fell on the stairs so I came here for some check up. I'm okay now." Fortunately the tests were all negative however, Juniel had no intention to disclosed what happen to her earlier. It is not in her traits being informative at her issues. 
"Wait I'll go there." 
Mrs. Hasun who was then watering her plants had to change her clothes after the call. She had to see her beloved daughter immediately. After a couple of minutes, the mother reached the emergency room where Juniel was resting. Her bruise at the back and abdomen were covered with her shirt. Mrs. Hasun touched Juniel's cheek so gently. She could feel the agony at her daughter's eyes.  "My angel how are you now?" 
"I'm fine now Mama." 
"Where's Minho, he should be here." She asked her daughter. 
"He might be so busy right now." She answered as she could not reach him. 
"But you're his wife and more important than those works. I'll call him." Mrs. Hasun strictly said it. 
Mrs. Hasun tried to contact Minho but only an auto attendant was being heard. "Where are you when your wife needs you?" She exclaimed in anger. She instead ordered JSB's former Director Park Gongchan to search for Minho. 
"Director Park, this is Mrs. Choi Hasun. Can you please try to reach VP Minho and urge him to call back? His wife needs him now. Do it quickly."  
The Director was having an appointment had to halt it for a moment as he obeyed his former CEO's widow. 
The sun had already partly set and it was getting dark. Minho had not yet calling so Juniel asked her mother to send her to condo. Mrs. Hasun agreed but part of her was already disappointed to her son-in-law. She felt like he is not doing his duty to his wife. She contacted Director Park again but the old man could not find Minho.  
When they reached the condo, Juniel turned on the light switch. Mrs. Hasun saw the place and it is so small with only few appliances were there. 
"Is this your residence?" 
"Yes Mama. I like it here, very spacious." She smiled.
"Our pet house is bigger than this!" Mrs. Hasun told her. That was her first time to visit her daughter's condominium unit that Minho had provided for her. She constantly ask Juniel if she has any problem but the girl only says positive things about him. To her surprise, it is the opposite. "My God, can you breath fresh air with this kind of house? But this is not even a house." 
"Mama don't say that." 
The old widow is really kind and generous but she is rich and can be super elegant when it comes to her family especially to her only daughter. She dislikes how her son-in-law was treating Juniel with this kind of uncomfortable environment different from where she used to. "What does your husband thinking of you? A pet?" She asked Juniel, really mad that her daughter kind of tolerating what Minho was doing. The girl bowed her head, speechless. 
"How about your food? How can you cook food without kitchen? Or how do you do laundry?" Mrs. Hasun was giving Juniel some helpers before but she refused since her husband did not like it. 
All she knew was Juniel is in good condition but she was really shocked and disappointed at the same time seeing her dwelling like that. "No wonder you fell off stairs. Your husband isn't supportive enough." The woman complained again. 
Juniel had an urge to defend her husband. She did not like the idea that her mother was getting frustrated at him. "No Mama. Oppa is always bringing me some foods. I have his credit cards too so I can order whatever I want. Also, this condominium has its own laundry shop and my husband always bringing the dirty clothes before he leaves to office." She reasoned out.  
"Really? I could think this place is just a cheap motel if you didn't say this is a condo." She told her daughter with a hint of sarcasm. 
Mrs. Hasun thought Minho is a nice boy since she knew him from birth. "I need to scold your husband." 
"Mama, don't." The daughter begged her. 
"Minho did not marry you just to sleep with you. I did not raise you to be just his bedroom partner. You need a perfect house to live with. Not this kind of place." 
"But I'm contented now. I'm happy in fact." Juniel rarely complain about anything so she could not understand why her mother is whining about simple things. After the quarrel between her, Sulli and Yuri, Juniel did tightened her grip on Minho. She did not want to lose him now that she has his child. She would not allow anyone to hurt their relationship even if it is her mother. 
The girl unconsciously was holding her aching abdomen. She did not notice it as her mind was running anxiously at how she would prevent her mother for scolding her husband.  
The mother noticed it and reached out for her. "I'll send you to your bed."  
Juniel nodded. 
Mrs. Hasun fixed the bed first and supported her daughter to lie her back slowly. Juniel gave some soft moans as her back was throbbing still. The old woman was hurting seeing her daughter in such state. She then removed her uniform little by little, avoiding to hurt her more. She used to do it regularly for ten years and she missed taking care of her. Juniel is so meek and mild that she has to put extra care for her. Her daughter easily caught illness when she was still child that is why Mrs. Hasun is overprotective of her. 
Mrs. Hasun lay beside her while massaging Juniel's back as her daughter's request. The soothing touch of the mother's hand really could heal. Time was running so slow, Mrs. Hasun had to count the clpck tick, wondering when will Minho return. Her daughter was already sleeping and it pained her that this might be a daily scenario for the couple.  
Already past 1 a.m. when finally, the mother heard Minho's arrival. He unlocked the door with his key and noticed a pair of old burgundy heels standing besides Juniel's black shoes.  
Mrs. Hasun immediately rose from the bed to meet her son-in-law "Minho."  
Minho was surprised to see her aunt there. He was not being told that she will visit them. 
"Good evening Auntie." He bowed his head after he greeted her. 
It annoyed the old woman how Minho would still acknowledge her as distant relative. 
"Pardon... I mean mother." 
"What time is it?" It's already past 1 a.m. I was contacting you since lunch, I even told Director Park to search for you." 
"I'm sorry. I forgot to inform the secretary about my schedule." 
"Your wife had fell from the stairs you know that? So she had to go to hospital by herself." 
"Ohh! Really? Is she okay now?" 
"Yes. And you set your cellphone so we could not disturb you." 
"I'm sorry. But it isn't my intention." 
"I thought that you're taking care of Juniel after I gave her hand to you. Look at this place you gave her. Are you treating my daughter some kind of sexslave? If I'm idiot, I wound think I entered a cheap motel. No kitchen, No laundry area. And you're not providing any maid to assist my daughter?" 
"We hardly shared two months together since I flew to Vietnam and spent months working there. I have so many responsibilities for our company that I have little time to manage our home. Juniel knows it." 
"Is your work more important than Juniel? You can pass some tasks to our managing directors if you want. Nobody is forcing you to do it." The mother-in-law was raising her voice, now echoing the whole unit. Minho is ambitious man wanting to make CFG Inc. as the no. 1 banking company in Korea. He also desired to expand the company globally thus he could not sit on the his table alone. Being the future CEO means more hardwork thus he needed to devote himself into it.  
Juniel was sleeping silently at the bedroom got awakened by her mother's sound. She rose up hurriedly to stop their argument.  
Minho sounded calm still but he kept arguing to defend his side. He was so tired from the busy schedule earlier making him loose his temper. He needed to remain respectful yet his pride was hurted by the old woman's constant nagging. "Despite of my work, I'm trying my best to do my duty for Juniel." Minho could not deny that he is treating his wife an only secondary priority. Yet, the treatment already improves as she is now pregnant with his child. 
"I chose you 'cause I know you're the right guy for my daughter. Don't fail me further Minho. I'm really upset with you." She told him. 
"Yes this marriage was your choice and not us. We accepted it even if it is against our free will. So blame yourself instead. If I can't give her what you expect me to then I'm sorry. You had chosen the wrong man." Minho told the woman frankly and it made her teared up. 
"Ma." Juniel called her mother, had to interrupt their argument. "You need to rest now, it's already past 1 a.m." She told her mother. Minho who gave his hurtful remark, bowed his head and left them.  
Mrs. Hasun got struck by his statement. She remained standing there, was deeply affected by it. Juniel came to her mother and wiped her tears. It saddened her to see her love ones arguing each other.  "Ma, I'll send you home now." 
"No my daughter. Stay here. But promise me, you'll tell me whatever your husband is doing." The old woman got hardened by what her son-in-law said. 
"No. I can't fathom this. If nothing happen with you here, you need to leave him." 
"No Mama don't say that!" 
Mrs. Hasun could predict her daughter's fate just by observing her condition. "I'm serious. He's obviously cold at you and he keeps shoving that to us." 
"Mama I won't! I'm pregnant now." 
"You're pregnant?!" The news surprised the mother yet got more upset with him. "Then he's treating you like that? Ha! I can't believe that man!" 
"I'm really thankful that I married the right guy Mama. We're now expecting a child so please support us instead for the baby's sake." She cried to her. 
to be continued...