"The polite bow of the youngest one makes anyone smile automatically"
"Minho bowed very hard to anyone, anytime, anywhere. He politely bent his waist enough to hide his face"
"Minho knew the etiquette of pulling a chair for a woman (he did it for Ryeowon)"
"Minho became a reliable man for Ryeowon and Yeonseo, he didnt left them, he became chivalrous for them"
"Ji Hoon also seems to adore Minho, who is kind and polite, he took care of him"
"Ji Hoon finds Minho as his best colleague and cute"
"Ryeowon picks Minho as her ideal"
"Yeonseo finds Minho prettier than her"
Oh Yeon Seo mentions Minho is a magazine interview]
Q: "What is your view on 'cougar' relationships? (where an older woman
dates a younger man) Among the male idols, is there any? "
Oh Yeon Seo: "Recently, in a new drama, I'm working with SHINee's Minho.
The director asked me whether I had saved the world in my previous
life. However, I feel a little pressured because Minho is prettier than
me. I don't know what to do as a woman".
Ryeo Won and Yeonseo show their love
for Minho. A reporter asked "Between Sang Woo and Ji Hoon, Which love
line is better?", Ryeo Won said "Minho" because these days she likes
young guys (and she even does aegyo). Yonseo's first impression on Minho is he's prince because of his small face.
The director said that maybe Yeonseo saved a country in her past life
because her partner in Medical Top Team is Minho, Yeonseo added that she
feels good looking at Minho
Minho said he will do his best and he will learn many things to receive
love from everybody. "I will show you all good things"
Minho said he felt good when he heard of his casting
because he was going to do it with amazing people, people with more
experience and great directors ㅍ.ㅍv
Minho fansites union donate for Doctors Without Borders in the Syrian civil war in the name of Minho and MTT.
Like the good friends they are, SHINee Minho didn’t think much about Key’s recent diss about his acting.
On September 24, Minho joined the cast of MBC’s Medical Top Team at its press conference held at the Severance Hospital in Shinchon.
There, a reporter asked Minho on what he thought about Key’s diss about his acting.
On September 18’s broadcast of MBC’s Radio Star, Key, who appeared as a guest, mentioned that Minho’s acting was mediocre.
On Key’s diss, Minho replied, “I don’t think much about it. We’re close
friends, so I think it’s completely fine to say something like that in a
joking manner."
He added that when he acted in To the Beautiful You, he was still a rookie and had a lot of difficulties in acting as a cold character.
“My acting then was one out 10 points,” said Minho, adding that with Medical Top Team,he
received a lot of help from the cast, which includes Kwon Sang Jung
Ryeo Won, Ju Ji Hoon, and more. Minho hoped to leave a good impression
by the end of the series.
Medical Top Team will begin broadcasting on October 9.
Minho fans donated under Minho and Medical Top Team's name
1.500.000 Won through MSF (Mèdecins San Frontières) for people who have
been affected by the civil war in Syria
Seeing Key and Eunji hit it off, SHINee's Jonghyun and Minho asked A Pink's Na-Eun to set them up too. On the September 21 installment of 'We Got Married', the SHINee members (minus Onew) along with Eunji visited Na-Eun and Taemin for
the Chuseok holiday. The two couples got together, and Eunji even had
some special gifts prepared for Key. Seeing this, Jonghyun and Minho
felt left out and a bit jealous. They then asked Na-Eun to set them up with her A Pink members. Key quickly replied, "Don't bring us together anymore. End it with just me and Eunji."
[FANACCOUNT} While nurses were working they heard that "Sang woo" and "Ryu won"would go to the hospital and they said "we will go later", but then
someone shouted"Kyaaaa SHINee Minho" and all the nurses disappeared
(they ran to him). They didn'trecord that day, MTT cast went to learn
about how people live/work in a hospital. (cr. 안티-레이디)(via: thaluuu)
TRANSCRIPT: KSW: Difficulty Breathing Disorder!
KSW: From the very beginning at the respiratory area, it did not appear ...
JRW: Medical Top Team is to overcome the domestic's success rate of
less than 50% intractable diseases as target, thus the team is created.
Caption: Life & Death, Limit the Moment
Minho: The bleeding volume is 40ml, the fever has been unable to break at all!
JRW: Pull yourselves together, got to save the patient!
A: What kind of person is he?
B: In order not to have an emergency situation...
KSW: Now is not the time to do so!
KSW: To advocate barely on treatment, may lose the opportunity!
JRW: Clear away!
JJH: Dr Park!
Caption: The Top Medical Team is born!
Caption: Medical Top Team
KSW: Starting from today, everyone will be a member of Medical Top Team.
Caption: October, Medical Top Team, invites you to watch together ^^
(Translations based on 韩晓居's Chinese subs/Credit: WeeTy_jAc)