[120408] Minho at Evan Record Coex Mall Fansign Event

[Fanaccount] Arsenal vs Man. City

Minho said that he wanted to watch soccer at 12AM - it was a match between Arsenal and Manchester City, and said he’s begging (everyone) to support Arsenal. Jonghyun said that even though he does not know what Minho is talking about, but if Minho is an Arsenal supporter, he will support the opposing team kekek. Jonghyun joked that there are 10 things he hates in the world, the first is Arsenal, the second is Arsenal, the third is STILL Arsenal kekeke (S/N : Haha jjong trying to piss off Minho) Fan asked so what’s the fourth? Minho stepped in and said “Stop it” — (At the same time, all the members commented ” (Ah, so) It’s soccer?” keke)

S/N : Haha as usual, the room mates are bickering, so any soccer fans out there, please take this joke lightly ^^ Minho and his love for soccer….

Credit to the owners

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