[130405] Chinese media compares Minho, Oguri, and Jun for Best Sano Izumi

Chinese Newspaper compared Choi Minho, Oguri Shun, and Wu Jun for Best Sano Izumi

Wu Jun from Taiwan
From Boyband Fahrenheit,
Expressive eyes: 2 star
Muscles : 4 star
cuteness :2 star
No doubt his eyes are not expressive eyes but his body fitness is definitely fit for the drama

Oguri Shun
Expressive eyes: 3 star
Muscles : 2 star
cuteness :2 star
Acted in Hana Yori Dango, after that Hanazakari no Kimitachi e, actually Nishikido Ryo was selected to act in Hanazakari no Kimitachi e but due to his busy working schedule.. Oguri Shun played the character...
Oguri Shun is handsome but is lacked of sportsmanship, he is not suitable to act as a high jump althete.

Expressive eyes: 3 star
Muscles : 3 star
cuteness :3 star
Cute Minho is youngest among the 3 boys,compare to the 2 boys his high jump skill is best in place, Minho comes from a sports family,his father used to represent Korea National football team.
Minho won the 1st place in the internet contest on "Korea most althete idol"

Other Translation:
Doe-eyed beautiful man" Minho's acting skills still has room for improvement but his winning factor is that he's the youngest among the three of them and his expressions are the cutest.
His high jump technique in the drama is the closest to the real mcoy compared to Wu Zun and Oguri Shun.
Minho comes from a sports family, his father used to represent Korea National football team. And he was voted no. 1 by netizens in an online poll of "Korea's Most Athletic Idol".

Translated by eimanjjong@twitter.com; eva21@soompi.com

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