[130623] Minho cut in Asian Dream Cup 2013

[Fanaccount Translations]

#1 It was really orderly fans didn't crowd around Minho. He was very happy and waved many times.
#2 Minho today is really a soccer guy ~ When he entered , he waved to the fans. Even when he was sitting at the reserved section , he had the most serious look on his face. He watched the match so intently and he was sitting in a “half ass off the chair” position. During the break , he came out to wave to fans. 

#3 When Minho went out to play , me and the noona beside me started to get very excited. But we kept silent and waited for other fans to scream first before we did… I was raising the banner throughout.. I was expecting Minho to shoot a goal as there are many professional players in the field and a lot of people were defending against Minho thus he cant find a good opportunity to score. But Minho is very professional. He wont run after the ball aimlessly but instead , he will stand in front of the goal post area. When the ball is nearing , he will signal to the person kicking the ball that he is open and can receive. This is something that is absent on the other idols.

Credit to the owners

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