[130614] Minho cut in Music Core

[Eng Translations] 140614 MC Minho @ Music Core ~ Fan Account by MrMinho ~ Ice

1. Kept playing with the little trumpet which was hanging in front of his chest, also held it dangling in his mouth.

2. After Infinite rehearsals ended, it was the MCs' turn to rehearse on stage, danced with Infinite maknae face to face -_-||

3. Got a candy from the Cody, chewing it as he watched a baby ad on TV, copying the baby's expressions & enunciation →_→

4. With his right hand on the right shoulder, did a couple of full circles, exercising his shoulders.

5. Fanboys of a certain girls group were cheering too loudly, Choi Minho was surprised & turned around to look.

6. When the singers on stage wanted everyone to move the hands to follow the rhythm, Minho also 'obediently' followed suit.

7. There was no coffee earlier today, the staff then brought 2 cups for Minho & Hong Chul, both did a 'toast' & took a sip, after which, Choi Minho drank from the straw from time to time.

8. After Kwanghee ended his performance, he sped to the MC holding area & hugged Minho. Minho stood with both his hands in the pockets, and spoke a few words. Since he still had to continue recording, kept patting Kwanghee asking him to leave (Minho looked just like an older brother with a face of 'displeasure' towards Kwanghee ~ pretty funny →_→)

9. Sitting or standing, as usual, he would follow the singers' dance moves, not even missing out doing the female singer's head swinging action -_-|| There was a move which he took from Lucky Star (5 persons 5 colours, the close shot whereby Minho was moving with his both hands from side to side ~ that silly adorable dance move).

10. As if afraid that he would miss out the names of all the participants, kept counting with his fingers.

11. Before the robot dance, he glanced towards the fans area. (He seemed to say: Everyone, I am about to start?!) He danced a few times, until the recording starts.

12. Got ready his pose to prepare to speak his script, but the TV station inserted the screen of other singer's comeback preview, immediately his shoulder drooped, seemed like a deflated look, and moved along with the music a couple of times. Waited a few secs for the preview to end, and immediately returned to 'normal', going into the recording mode. (Do you know you are super adorable?)

13. He forgot to bring the devil fork on stage ... hurriedly ran down to get the small fork which was under his chair.

14. Noh Hong Chul gave Minho a yellow card, Minho took the card over and gave his hyung a red card.

15. Finally it was Fly to the Sky's stage, (Minho) ran up, huddled his body abit, a full embrace in Brain's arms. After the show, both left the stage with arms around each other.

16. After introducing the last group of singers, suddenly as he was leaving the stage, he looked upwards with his arms outstretched. (haha, what are you trying to do to your fans →_→)

17. Before going up the stage one last time, he waved to the fans, followed by a big thumbs up, and turning around with both his hands at the back, waving to the fans as he walked -_-|| (Should we be delighted or mocked at with this posture?)

18. The stripes tee top makes the shoulder much broader today →_→ He was without the cap during rehearsal, but when it was time for actual recording, came out wearing his cap backwards, causing great excitement for his fans.

Credits: your youth, tWeeTy_jAc@twitter.com

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